If We Forget the Past, History Will Repeat Itself in Iraq
It's an old adage: Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it。
If the polls are correct, we are now witnessing an epidemic of mass amnesia and history is about to repeat itself。
Perhaps it would be instructive to take a few steps back and contemplate just what got us where we are in this ongoing war against Islamofascism。
And that war did not start with 9/11 or the attack on Saddam Hussein's Iraq。
If you want to be technical, it all began in the eighth century, when followers of Mohammed crossed the Pyrenees, threatening to stable their horses in St。
Peter's at Rome, but were defeated by Charles Martel at Tours in 732, just one hundred years after the death of Mohammed。
This defeat halted their western conquests and saved Europe, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, which goes on to explain that in the eighth and ninth centuries the Muslims conquered Persia, Afghanistan and a large part of India, and in the 12th century had already become the absolute masters of all western Asia, Spain and North Africa, Sicily, etc。
They were finally conquered by the Mongols and Turks in the 13th century, who then converted to Islam and, in the 15th century, overthrew the tottering Byzantine Empire (1453)。
From that stronghold (Constantinople) they even threatened the German Empire, but were successfully defeated at the gates of Vienna, and driven back across the Danube, in 1683。