尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾亲爱的校友们,大家下午好: 今天作为一位我们政经系的学生代表发言而深感荣幸。 春华秋实,我们一起见证了学院的成长,雷雨风霜,我们一起进行着青春的蜕变,中国展开改革开放恢弘画卷的那一年,正是贵州教育学院应运而生开始拓荒之旅的一年,当振兴中华这个时代的强音撞击着心灵时,老师们舍家离子来到了教院,从此在简陋的教室里挥洒着生命与热血,在灰暗的灯光下燃烧者炽热的理想,把教育的希望浇灌,把知识的沃土耕遍,在教育事业中风雨兼程。 在时光的流逝里,我们拾检起岁月的斑斓,当年风华正茂的学者而今早已面容布满沧桑,鬓发霜雪斑斑,细数那些从指缝中溜走的时光,当年……
Hope is the strength for survivalAbstract:Hope has saved a girl who usedto be a fragile and disappointed girl.Hope is a strength,it is a flight and it is a stair. Life is not a formalistic plane picture but a solid sculpture.Well-beloved teeachers and dear classmates, Hello,everyone.The title for my speech is Hope is the strength for survival. Once upon a time,a girl went to southern China for earning her living,her body was full of scars.When the girl stood on the top of a tall building of more than twenty floors,she felt her heartbeat accelerating as she saw the sun rising from the orient.At that time she found that both of winners and losers could enjoy the sunshine equally.She might be able to succeed if she could persist longer! Therefore,the girl returned to the starting line of her life,she woked hard and finally gained success and became a celebrity around her country. Hope has saved a girl who usedto be a fragile and disappointed girl.Hope is a strength,it is a flight and it is a stair. Youths usually inescapably feel disappointed in their daily life.That is like the saying of a famous philosopher:The road of one's life is like a necklace combined by disappointment and hope.That makes one's life colorful. Life isn't a formalistic plane picture but a solid sculpture.Hope and disappointment are twins who always stay together.A fool usually will sigh and feel sad when he in disapointment,while a sensible man can climb up from the disappointment and find a completely new scene. The road of life is paved with disappointment and hope.A person couldn't always skipping on their roads of life,otherwise their lives are malformed.Disappointment isn't fearful,what is realy fearful is that a person can't make use of disappointment. Youths living in hope where they maturing up.Youth should move towards their hope because hope is the strength for survival.